
We want you to feel comfortable and knowledgeable behind the wheel



We want you to feel comfortable and knowledgeable behind the wheel, and we put together this section of educational materials to help you make good decisions about your driving instruction and driving generally. Please feel free to review this material at your convenience, and let us know if you have any questions.

Please also enjoy the free guides we have put together to help get more safe, comfortable, and confident drivers on the road.

Our guides on choosing the right driving school, preparing for the road test, and driving basics are some of the most popular articles on our website. We hope you find them as useful as did the hundreds of other driving school students who have also read them.

Choosing A Driving School

This article explains some of the basic criteria you should use when picking a driving school. Finding the instructor right for you is important. We believe we hold ourselves up to the highest standards detailed here, and if you have any questions or comments please share them with us.

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Road Test Preparation

Most of our students contact us for one straightforward goal: they want to pass the road test and earn their driver’s license! The freedom of the road is only one successful road test away; however, getting to and passing the road test requires preparation.

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Driving Basics

Throughout our years of driving instruction, we have answered almost every question someone could come up with related to driving. We have also found that 10 subjects are covered most frequently when we teach new drivers. In this article, we introduce you to those 10 topics.

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